Summer Camp 2024 Summer Camp 2024 Summer Camp Ages 4 to 10 Long Road Oasis Homestead, 1353 Charlotteville Road 8, Simcoe Participant Name * Name First First Last Last Age * Date of birth * Sex * Male Female Mailing address * Mailing address Mailing address Mailing address Town Town Province Province Postal Code Postal Code Parent / Guardian 1 Name * Name First First Last Last Place of employment Email address * Home phone * Work phone Mobile phone Parent/ Guardian 2 Name Name First First Last Last Place of employment Email address Home phone Work phone Mobile phone Alternate emergency contact (if a parent cannot be reached) Name Name First First Last Last Relationship to participant Home phone Mobile phone Participant release permissions Person(s) to whom the participant MAY be released: Person(s) to whom the participant MAY NOT be released: Medical Doctor's name Child's health card number Does your child have allergies? Yes No If yes, please explain Emergency Procedures or Specific Instructions for above Does your child have any health problem or limitations that would affect their participation in programs? (hearing, speech, physical or emotional delays) Is your child on any medications? Yes No If yes, provide details My child will be responsible for her/his own medication I agree Other information about your child you wish to provide Sign-up NOTE: Our summer day camp runs from 9am – 4pm daily. Please select the camp(s) you would like to register your child(ren): WEEK #1 - July 8th to 12th - Awesome Animals WEEK #2- July 15th to19th - Stick, Stones & Bones WEEK #3 - July 22nd to July 26th - Nature Magic WEEK #4 – July 29th to August 2nd - Survival Camp FULL - WEEK #5 - August 6th to 9th - Muddy Adventures WEEK #6 - August 12th to 16th - Zombie Apocalypse WEEK #7- August 19th to 23rd - Nature Bucket List Payment Program Fees: $250 per child per week. Week #5 is a 4-day week due to the Civic Holiday and will be $200/child. Payment for the first week of camp your child is attending is due upon registration. Remainder of funds are due June 30th. Payment options * Cheque E-transfer E-mail address to send e-transfers to: Cheques should be mailed to: Nature’s Calling Environmental Education P.O. Box 995 Simcoe, ON N3Y 5B3 Cancellation and Refund Policy Cancellation of registration prior to summer camp starting will result in a refund of funds paid, less a $50 administrative fee/child. If a day’s program must be cancelled due to inclement weather, a full refund for the day will be issued. Nature’s Calling will make every effort to notify parents (by email, telephone, text) as soon as possible so alternate arrangements for their child can be made. Assumption of Risk and Consent I, the undersigned Parent / Guardian of Child's name * do hereby consent to her/his participation in the 2024 Summer Camp. I understand that Nature's Calling Environmental Education provides enquiry-based learning and occurs in a mainly outdoor environment. I understand all program daily commencement and completion times. I also understand that I must be timely in my drop off and pick-up of my child. I am aware that there are potential risks and hazards associated with my child’s participation in NCEE programs. I understand that the hazards include, but are not limited to: Outdoor Classroom: Navigation in unfamiliar territory; slips, trips or falls; trees and other natural objects. Indoor Classroom: electrical cords; equipment, impact with chairs or other potential obstructions. Allergic Reactions: allergic reactions resulting from contact with cultivated or wild plants; food or drinks; spider, tick or insect bites. Physical Activities: bumps, collisions, falling, tripping, bruises, broken bones, sprains, eye injuries; failure to play safely within one’s own ability. Weather: changing weather conditions; wet weather; snowy weather; the effects of heat or strong sunlight. Other Hazards: the possibility that my child, or others do not heed safety instructions or restrictions given to them. I acknowledge that accidents may occur during my child’s participation in NCEE programs and can occur without fault on either the part of my child or NCEE staff. I am aware that NCEE will take all necessary safety precautions and will attempt to minimize any risks associated with program activities. Accidents however, may cause loss of personal property, injury or even death. I understand that my child is expected to be respectful and considerate to other participants and NCEE staff, and must adhere to the rules with regard to student behaviour as set out above. I further understand that inappropriate behaviour on the part of my child may result in her/his removal from Norfolk Forest School and that I will not receive any refund of fees. I understand that my child will be solely responsible for her/his personal property and effects during the Spring Break Day Camp and acknowledge that it is recommended that valuable items are not brought on to the property. I also release Nature’s Calling Environmental Education and their staff / volunteers from any claim arising from such risks. Permissions and Consent If at any time emergency medical treatment is necessary for my child, I give consent for treatment to be given. Every effort will be made to contact parent/ guardian(s) and/or emergency contacts. In the event of a serious illness or injury, your child will be sent to Simcoe General Hospital. * Yes No I consent to my child’s photo being taken using photograph or video. I further understand and authorize that pictures taken at camp may be used for promotion (i.e. social media, print media, NCEE publications and website, and other forms for advertising and promotion). I hereby waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product or advertising or other copies that may be used in connection therewith or the use to which they may be applied. I understand that this material remains the property of Nature’s Calling Environmental Education. * Yes No Signatures Type full name of Parent/Guardian 1 * Date * Type full name of Parent/Guardian 2, if applicable Date If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit